Live Stream 2024/06/01

The (n)ever changing sky

This is a rough outline of the Live Stream from 2024/06/01.

The Parade of Planets

6 planets are theoretically visible in the morning sky early this month. Some places are calling this the "parade of planets," but I think it might be a little over hyped.

First off, Mercury and Jupiter will be super low in the sky in early June. Uranus and Neptune really aren't naked eye targets. And the brightest planet, Venus, isn't part of this. Plus the planets are scattered over 1/3 of the sky. So, not sure where this came from.

What I find more interesting are conjunctions and occultations. Which I'll get to later in the Time Domain Astronomy section...

Sun updates

AR3664 has emitted some X class flares, and there was a coronal mass ejection. If it does hit earth, it probably won't produce any aurora quite like the ones from May. However, the sun is still quite active, so things may change.

See also: Space Weather

Time Domain Astronomy / Transients

I put the rest of the topics covered in a separate article: Time Domain Astronomy